International Conference at the Department of Art History of the University of Vienna
Organizer: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Hindriks
For in-person or online participation please send an e-mail to:
PROGRAM (download as pdf)
Friday, November 18, 2022 (Department of Art History, Seminar Room 1) | |
09:00 - 09:20 | Introduction |
09:20 - 11:00 | Session I Moderation: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Pichler (Universität Wien) Prof. Dr. Klaus Krüger (Freie Universität Berlin) Perspektivischer Schein. Giottos ästhetische Paradoxie Prof. Dr. Michael Viktor Schwarz (Universität Wien) Bild und Blick vor Alberti |
11:30 - 13:30 | Session II Moderation: Dr. des. Tanja Hinterholz (Universität Wien) Prof. Dr. Lukas Madersbacher (Universität Innsbruck) Die Perspektivkonstruktion des Leon Battista Alberti. Theorie ohne Praxis? Maja-Lisa Müller M.A. (Universität Bielefeld) Einbetten, Ausheben und Hindurchblicken. Die topologischen Bildoperationen der Intarsie als Bedingung der Perspektive |
13:10 - 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:40 | Session III Moderation: Dr. Stefan Albl (Universität Wien) Dr. Janis Bell Leonardo on the Optics of Light and Color Dr. des Saskia C. Quené (University of California, Berkeley) Burning Mirrors and Radiating Surfaces: Depicting Light in the Quattrocento |
16:15 - 18:00 | Visit of the Exhibition Idols and Rivals. Artists in Competition with Curator Dr. Gudrun Swoboda, Kunsthistorisches Museum (Please note: For speakers only) |
19:00 | Conference Dinner (Please note: For speakers only) |
Saturday, November 19, 2022 (Department of Art History, Seminar Room 1) | |
09:00 - 11:30 | Session IV Moderation: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Hindriks (Universität Wien) Prof. Dr. Maximiliaan Martens and Mathijs Speecke M.A. (Ghent University) Jan Van Eyck and >perspectiva< in the Late Medieval Low Countries Dr. Heike Schlie (IMAREAL, Universität Salzburg) Jenseits von Empirie und geometrischer Regel: Perspektivbrüche als Ausrichtung des Sehens in der altniederländischen Malerei Prof. Sven Dupré (Utrecht University) What Matters to Perspectiva: Art, Transparency, and Glass |
11:30- 12:15 | Coffee Break |
12:15 - 14:45 | Session V Moderation: Prof. Dr. Raphael Rosenberg (Universität Wien) Prof. Dr. A. Mark Smith (University of Missouri) Johannes Kepler and the Shift from >Imagines< to >Picturae< Dr. Elisa Spataro (Bibliotheca Hertziana) Landscape Image-making: Optical Issues and Perspective Instruments between 16th and 17th Centuries Pius Bornus M.A. (Universität zu Köln) Rivaling Senses. The Doubting Thomas and the Paragone between Touch and Sight |
14:45 - 15:00 | Closing Remarks |
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